Ask Yourself:
Is being indiscriminate always a bad thing? If a Nisei is not a car from Japan, then what is it? What sport did the first Japanese American professional athlete play? You can wear yellow without peril during this 27 minute episode of The Bro Show!
Segments & Links:
Animal Story: Indiscriminate Altruism in Meerkats [4:58]
Word: Nisei [10:43]
Two Takes: Japanese American Baseball [12:35]
Groaners [25:39]
This week’s show is sponsored by the Animal Legal Defense Fund—a nonprofit organization that protects the lives of animals and advances their interests through the legal system. Buy one of their shirts or donate to help fund their worthy activities.
We also have Bro Show Season of the Meerkat Meerchandise for sale! All proceeds go to Animal Legal Defense Fund.
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