The Bro Show with Them Daniel Boys
The Bro Show with Them Daniel Boys
S07 E17 – Which Holiday Is This?
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The Brothers tell a Rat Story involving a surprisingly familiar name. The Word, “Misandry,” has a pretty controversial meaning. Let’s see if you agree. The Boys give their Two Takes on “Which Holiday Is This” — very cryptic question that you can try to guess, but you’d probably be wrong. Unless you looked at the Segments & Links above, of course. Need a laugh? The SECOND Groaner was pretty good. That said, I hope I haven’t dissed Jon’s live-in girlfriend Alexa, who came up with the first groaner.

Jon brings up the question of whether the intent was to have one holiday “squished” into the other. Jerry’s Take was that since this holiday was instituted under the Uniform Holiday Act of 1968, we could all wear uniforms of our choosing. What a goofball.



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